Smart. Sophisticated. Simple.
eCater Solutions is a dynamic event order management system created to manage inventory, simplify the consumer experience and streamline operations.
Founded in 1999 to support Seton Hall University’s growing, catering complexities and informed by catering experts; eCater solutions engineered an ever-evolving, cost-effective system designed to stand the test of time.
User Portal
Login / Registration
My Orders
Event Information
Order Comments
Admin Portal
Menu Editor
Quality Control
Settings Options
Identity Management
eCater has a built in identity management system but is flexible and can easily integrate with the client identity management solution such as LDAP, PingFederate, CPIP, SunGuard, BlackBoard, etc
Once an order is created, eCater has a budget accounting module to manage access to budget accounts and funds. We can also integrate with any web service provided by the client to check transactions in real-time.
- Does every order need an approval?
- Do you have a tiered approval process?
- Do you specific approvers for each index/budget numbers?
If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, eCater currently handles the above three and many more.
eCater Enterprise Solution : $4,500.00
Maintenance, License & Support $399.99 per month (after the first year)
Includes Hosting, unlimited order, users, catering administrators
Custom work such as 3rd party integration, menus workflow, reporting, etc will require a scope of work charged at $130 per hour
eCater Professional Solution : $2,000.00
Maintenance, License & Support $150.00 per month (after the first year)
(1 hour of support per month, additional support will be billed at $65.00 per hour)
Includes Hosting, unlimited order, users, catering administrators
Custom work such as 3rd party integration, menus workflow, reporting, etc will require an upgrade to the enterprise solution
Request Information
eCater Solutions Inc.
18-20 Lackawanna Plaza, Suite 900 Montclair, NJ 07042
p (973) 786-1105 | c (201) 344-9661 | f (201) 221-8791